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Interceptor Mode

Interceptor mode is used within Traefik2 as a middleware authorization controller. When a resource is requested the middleware checks if the current user is logged in. If not, the request is redirected to the login page. If the user making the request is logged in, then the middleware forwards the request to the requested resource.

For other ingress controllers support please feel free to contact our development and consulting team. We are constantly adding support for other controllers and document them if needed.


┌────────────────────────┐               ┌────────────────────────┐            ┌───────────────────────┐
│                        │               │                        │            │                       │
│                        │  request >    │                        │     ok >   │                       │
│                        ├───────────────►                        ├────────────►                       │
│     Resource owner     │               │      AuthForward       │            │    resource server    │
│                        ◄───────────────┤                        │            │                       │
│                        │   < error     │                        │            │                       │
└────────────────────────┘               └──────────────────▲──┬──┘            └───────────────────────┘
                                                            │  │
                                                            │  │
                                                            │  │
                                                         │                          │
                                                         │                          │
                                                         │                          │
                                                         │        Uitsmijter        │
                                                         │                          │
                                                         │                          │
  1. The resource owner makes a request to the resource server
  2. The AuthForward delegates the request to Uitsmijter first
  3. If the user is not logged in, a login mask is provided
  4. If the login fails, the AuthForward responds with an error code
  5. If the login succeeded, or the user is already logged in, Uitsmijter adds the JWT to the header and the AuthForwarder forwards the request to the resource server.

Login status

The status whether a user is logged in or not is stored in a cookie that is strictly bound to the domain of the middleware. The domain must be set at tenant level, shown in the example section. Inside the cookie there is an encoded JWT stored. This JWT will be added to the Authorization header for every request.

In your application:

Do not read the cookie yourself, but use the Authorization header sent with the request.

Refresh the token

The middleware will refresh the requests JWT automatically, when 3/4 of the lifetime was passed.

This could potentially lead to a situation where two different valid JWTs arrive at the underlying application, in case the application fires parallel requests against themselve. Even both tokens are valid and encode the same information, some applications may not like this when storing the original token. The solution for this scenario is easy: validate the token as soon as possible and decode the payload first. Save the decoded payload for comparison, not the token. This “problem” is just an academic one, because if your application makes a request with a token which is already known you are in the Single-Page-Application landscape already. In this case please use a proper OAuth-Flow instead. In a server rendered application a parallel request with different tokens will never be a problem if you decode the payload first.

Configuration and Examples

To protect your resource server with the interceptor mode of Uitsmijter, you mainly need to add an ingress annotation:

annotations: uitsmijter-forward-auth@kubernetescrd

If your setup works on the same top level domain, then that is everything needed. For example, Uitsmijter’s main domain is: and the resource server to protect is located at

A bit more tricky is when projects are at different top level domains. For example the Uitsmijter installation is still located at, but the resource server to protect is located at Because cookies must be from within the same domain, the trick is to proxy the service into the new domain via an 🔗 external service and then defining an own ingress to that service.

Cookie settings The cookie must be set for the domain in which both the Uitsmijter service (or its ingress to the proxy) and the resource server are located!

Attention: Every backend service that is located on this domain or a subdomain of this domain can read the JWT out of the cookie. It is accessible to all services on this domain tree.


  • Uitsmijter is accessible at
  • The resource server is accessible at
  • Then you have to set as tenants interceptor.cookie domain

If Uitsmijter is installed onto a server without Kubernetes, you have to be sure that the environment is set correctly. Installations outside Kubernetes is not documented, yet. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask

Install this proxy service to a new namespace. It links to Uitsmijter:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: uitsmijter-proxy
  type: ExternalName
  externalName: uitsmijter-authserver.uitsmijter.svc.cluster.local
    - port: 80

save this to uitsmijter-proxy.yaml file

This external service defines a proxy into the authentication server in the uitsmijter namespace. You can create this service in every namespace on your cluster.

  1. Ensure Uitsmijter is installed properly in the uitsmijter namespace. (If not set up yet, please read the quick start now.)
  2. Create (if not done by now) a namespace for the resource server:
     kubectl create namespace "my-resources"
  3. Apply the proxy service mentioned above:
     kubectl apply -n "my-resources" -f uitsmijter-proxy.yaml

When the resource server is available at a login page at the same domain level is needed, like for example.

This is an example ingress that points to the proxy service and serves uitsmijter from the new domain.

kind: Ingress

  name: uitsmijter
  annotations: websecure "true" uitsmijter-forward-header@kubernetescrd

    - secretName:

    - host:
          - path: "/"
            pathType: Prefix
                name: uitsmijter-proxy
                  number: 80

An ingress can only refer to a service in the same namespace, but a service can address a resource in another namespace. This is why we have to do both: a proxy service and an ingress to the proxy service.

Do not overlook this line: uitsmijter-forward-header@kubernetescrd

It is important to set specific headers that Uitsmijter needs for proper operation.

To protect static resources, like discussed in the Walkthrough guide for securing static webserver resources all to do is to define a tenant next

Let’s create a file for the example-tenant named example-tenant.yaml:

apiVersion: ""
kind: Tenant
  name: example
    enabled: true
    - class UserLoginProvider {
      constructor(credentials) { commit(true); }
      get canLogin() { return true; }
      get userProfile() { return {message:"DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION"}; }
      get role() { return "development"; }
    - class UserValidationProvider {
      constructor(args) { commit(true); }
      get isValid() { return true; }

The UserLoginProvider accepts every combination of any user for now. We can change it later.

  1. Apply the tenant and restart Uitsmijter to load the new tenant:
     kubectl apply -n "my-resources" -f example-tenant.yaml
     kubectl delete pod -n uitsmijter -l app=uitsmijter -l component=authserver

When a user requests the first time the browser will be redirected to the Uitsmijter login page at After login successfully the user will redirect back to A cookie is stored at the users browser for all domains in the landscape, including - but also Maybe this is what you want, otherwise fine tune the interceptor.cookie settings in the tenant definition file. If you do not want to allow an SSO to all the subdomains at *, but just and only to, change the interceptor.cookie setting to Remember that the login page must be part of the domain-scope. Maybe you want to change the ingress from the domain to

Advanced configuration for applications behind the Interceptor-Mode

Protecting a static web server behind Uitsmijter is very simple, as the chapter up to here could show. The static websites do nothing with the authorisation header set by Uitsmijter. It just has to be present.

A very little more difficult is when a server side rendering application sits behind the protected resources that has to know something about the concrete user and maybe has to decode the profile from the Bearer token.

The application has to validate the JWT with a shared secret, checks that the token is still valid and then decode the profile from it.

But first things first: sharing the secret. While installation a shared secret is given (see Quick Start Guide for Kubernetes for more details on how to set a secret into the Values.yaml). For installations outside of Kubernetes ensure that the environment variable JWT_SECRET is set.

When Uitsmijter is installed on Kubernetes with the provided Helm Chart and all requirements are met. Sharing the JWT-secret into namespaces that needs them to validates the JWT is easy. Uitsmijter sets annotations for 🔗 config-syncer. All the other namespace has to do is set the labels to the namespace, too.

Here is an example namespace definition for my-resources:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: my-resources
    jwt-secret/sync: "true"

jwt-secret/sync: "true" will sync the secret into the namespace. To have the content in your applications environment you should link the secret to your environment:

  #[ ... _deployment_ ... ]

    - secretRef:
        name: jwt-secret

  #[ ... _rest_of_the_deployment_ ... ]

More information about environment variables in Kubernetes are described in 🔗 Define Environment Variables for a Container

With the information about the secret attached to the namespace and bind to the environment variable the application can validate and decode the token.

Do not track the user on information inside the tokens profile, use the token.subject instead. The Subject is an unique identifier for your user across all systems. The subject inside a token is set by the User Login Provider. You can find any information on the page about them.

How to validate and decoding a JWT depends on your server programming language, here is a code for nodejs using the jsonwebtoken library from auth0.

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// Verify the token using jwt.verify method
const decode = jwt.verify(token, 'secret');

const subject = decode.sub;
const profile = decode.profile;

// show the full decoded token
console.log(JSON.stringify(decode, null, 4));

The result should look something like this:

  "tenant": "my-resources/my-tenant",
  "profile": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  "sub": "188920",
  "role": "user",
  "user": "",
  "exp": 1671740462.505093

In the result above a numeric id is chosen by the User Backend Provider to identify the concrete user.


Metrics about succeeded and failed calls are metered by these Prometheus keys:

  • uitsmijter_interceptor_failure
  • uitsmijter_interceptor_success
  • uitsmijter_login_attempts
  • uitsmijter_login_failure
  • uitsmijter_login_success

Technical details

Whether the user is logged in or not is persisted by a restricted cookie with the content of the JWT. Uitsmijter does not track any sessions for the middleware requests.

Further readings