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Project information

This project is written in Swift. Started in Swift version 5.7 and moved on to Swift 5.9. It’s done with grate support from the Vapor framework and the Swift Server Workgroup community.

Please check out the server side swift conference if you are interested.

Uitsmijter chooses swift, because of:

  • safety
    • Strongly Typed
    • encourages to write clean and consistent code
    • safeguards
    • Well-designed asynchronous programming interface
  • performance
    • Small footprint
    • Quick startup time
    • Deterministic performance
  • software design patterns

Code structure

Swift’s history and also Vapor’s boilerplate’s sort code into folders according to their technical role. For example: all controllers, like login-routes, metrics-routes, etc. are stored in the Controllers folder. All models are stored in Models etc. Often, you see projects with all extensions in a Extensions folder, etc….

As much as we stick to common sense and best practices, we break this rule for multiple reasons:

  • The type is already included in the filename, and if not, the type will reflect that. A struct user is always a User model and will never be a /users route, which would be called UsersController.
  • The understandability of the application parts as a concept is more important than a known comfort zone when the application is first opened.
  • This is especially true when an application has a strong impact on the security of third-party applications.
  • Targeting function blocks, tracking changes, and checking closed folders is more comfortable than jumping around the entire application.

Initially, I (the first developer) tried to fit the code for this project into exactly this known ordering structure, but I soon found it difficult to get an overview of what a business function needs and how the business units are separated from each other and how to link them together in a way that any new developer would understand it directly. Halfway through, I switched to a domain driven design and organized the source files according to their functionality.

This means:

  • Controllers are distributed everywhere
  • There is a Login folder, where all controllers, models, extensions, which are necessary and hardly bound to the login function, right next to a ScriptingProvider folder that contain all the source code for the provider javascript scripting functionality. Nevertheless, a Monitor folder contains all the controllers, models, etc. that need the /health and /metrics routes to operate.

The disadvantages:

  • We will have some leftovers that do not fit in one area.
  • Common code is between two functions and should be in both.

There will be mixed directories, that do not describe a clear domain. For example there is a Entities directory, that does exactly what a Models folder should do, but we keep it clear from other models than pure entities that are acting inside the system and are interchanging between the domains.

We are trying to minimize the downsides and hope that the brake on the rules will help maintaining a safe system.

Getting it to work

For development, the Uitsmijter source provides a toolchain to build, lint, test and run the Project locally inside a Docker container. See tooling for a detailed description.

If you do not like to work inside docker, Uitsmijter should run on every system that supports the Swift language, including Mac, Linux and Windows. List of supported platforms.

Before editing, be sure that it builds correctly:

  1. Check out the packages:
swift package resolve
  1. Running tests:
swift test
  1. Build the binary:
swift build
  1. run Uitsmijter locally:
swift run

We highly recommend to use the toolchain and build Uitsmijter inside the container.


Of course you can use the IDE of your choice. For a super quick start, Uitsmijter offers an IDE in the browser. The command ./ code starts an IDE in a Docker container, which makes it easier to get started with the code.

Further readings