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Login- and Logout-Page Customisation

There are multiple ways to customize the login and logout pages.
The easiest way is to configure additioanl tenant informations like imprint, privacy policy and registration URLs.

In addition to that it is also possible to change page templates because every tenant can have their own login page.

Loading templates from template directory

In the source code version of Uitsmijter you can to create a folder that is named after the slug of the tenant name.

Open the folder Resources / Views and create a new folder. Assuming the tenant is called example, from the project root create a folder for the templates:

mkdir Resources/Views/example

and copy the default templates in that folder:

cp -r Resources/Views/default/* Resources/Views/example

Now you can edit the file Resources/Views/example/login.leaf to build your own customized login page. The correct template will be selected automatically by the tenant requesting the login.

Uitsmijter uses Leaf templates to render pages.

Loading templates from S3 bucket

When Uitsmijter is deployed via kubernetes it is easier to load the templates from an external source. For that case Uitsmijter supports loading tempalte files from a S3 compatible storage provider.

You can configure the S3 access as templates int your tenant.yaml, as described in the Tenant configuration. The template files will be loaded to Uitsmijter when the tenant is read. You can view the expected directory structure and file names in Resources/Views/default, not all files must be provided.


On Error

If an error occurred, then the error variable is set with the error_token.

Hint: You may want to set extra classes on error. You can use the helper isnotempty(:var, :print) to print out some text when :var is empty. eg:

   <div class='login-box #isnotempty(error, "error")'>

_If `error? is not empty, say: “error”

To render the error you have to translate it into the user requested language:

#if(error != nil):
<div class="error">#t(error)</div>


To translate a token use #t(:token).

You may want to provide your own sentences for the errors. You can do a big if-else chain for each of the error messages:

#elseif(error == "LOGIN.ERRORS.NO_TENANT"):

Login Form

The form action have to point to #(serviceUrl)/login and the following form fields must be provided:

field value
location #(requestUri)