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Interceptor Mode

The interceptor mode is shown in an example deployment. The same nginx pod is accessible via two separate ingresses, one is secured by the interceptor middleware, the other is not secured.


To secure an ingress with the interceptor middleware you have to set an annotation to the Ingress.

Add this annotation to the Ingress configuration.

  annotations: uitsmijter-forward-auth@kubernetescrd

On an existing ingress you can add the annotation with kubectl

kubectl patch ingress <my-ingress-name> -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"uitsmijter-forward-auth@kubernetescrd"}}}'

The resources k8s service behind the ingress is secured by the Uitsmijter middleware for 🔗 Traefik. More information about ForwardAuth middleware can be found on the 🔗 Traefik website, but you don’t have to read all of it, because Uitsmijter just uses it to grab the traffic and injects the authentication.

Information for the resource server

If a user is logged in and the call is passed through the middleware it will be forwarded to the original called target (resource server). Besides the remitted access to the resource server the call will be enhanced by a bearerAuthorization header that holds information about the currently logged-in user. The information about the user in wrapped into a 🔗 JWT that is secured by a shared password. To decode and validate the JWT-Token you have to sync the secret that is shared by the uitsmijter namespace into your application’s namespace. The Chapter “Advanced configuration for applications behind the Interceptor-Mode” in the Interceptor Mode section provides more details about the shared secret and how to consume it.

Note: JSON Web Key (JWK) and .well-known ist not part of Uitsmijter, yet.

This is an example namespace resource that syncs the secret into your namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: mySecuredAppNamespace
    jwt-secret/sync: "true"

By adding the label jwt-secret/sync: "true" to the metadata section of the namespace definition, 🔗 config-syncer will create a proper secret named jwt-secret in your namespace. In that way, when you decide to rotate the JWT secret key, all applications in the cluster automatically get the new key to verify further JWT tokens.

Further readings