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Uitsmijter is a versatile OAuth2 authorization server and a Kubernetes Middleware for Traefik.

On one side it provides a flexible and powerful basis for new projects, on the other hand it has been built with the focus to comfortably bring existing, mostly monolithic applications into the microservice, cloud- and multi-cloud world.

It offers multi-tenant single sign-on via secure, low-maintenance and easy-to-implement middleware, as well as protocol-compliant OAuth 2.0 authorization workflows. Both processes work hand in hand and, after minimal and easy-to-understand configuration in a short time after foolproof and fully automated (Infrastructure As Code) installation.

A company-wide login can be put into operation within the shortest possible time in a vendor-neutral manner and without data specifications on your user profiles, even without changing the user database. It is important that your data contents and data structures as well as the data management can be determined by you at any time.

Uitsmijter does not bring its own user data storage, but offers interfaces to use your existing databases and services in a simple, secure and elegant way.

Read more about our motivation for Uitsmijter

Uitsmijter is guided by original RFCs

The original RFC for OAuth 2.0 endpoints is “The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework”, which was published as RFC 6749 in October 2012. This RFC defines the overall framework for OAuth 2.0, including the authorization process, the different grant types (such as authorization code and refresh token), and the roles of the various actors involved (such as the client, the resource owner, and the authorization server).

In addition to RFC 6749, there are several other RFCs that define specific aspects of the OAuth 2.0 framework. For example, RFC 6750 defines the Bearer Token usage, which specifies how to use access tokens in HTTP requests.

All information you need to install, configure, run the server, as well as configuring the client libraries are covered in this documentation. Our goal is to present you everything you need in an understandable language. If you are missing some aspects, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are improving the documentation constantly. Your feedback is welcome.

Further readings