Uitsmijter is best to install over helm.
helm repo add uitsmijter https://charts.uitsmijter.io/
helm update
To list available versions run:
helm search repo uitsmijter
To see a list with release candidates included:
helm search repo uitsmijter --devel
The complete Values.yaml
is presented first, than the parameters are described as on overview. For detailed
information please read the quick start guide.
namespaceOverride: ""
repository: ghcr.io/uitsmijter/uitsmijter
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
pullPolicy: Always
- name: gitlab-auth
jwtSecret: "vosai0za6iex8AelahGemaeBooph6pah6Saezae0oojahfa7Re6leibeeshiu8ie"
redisPassword: "Shohmaz1"
storageClassName: "default-ext4"
installCRD: true
installSA: true
# Log format options: console|ndjson
logFormat: "console"
# Log level options: trace|info|error|critical
logLevel: "info"
cookieExpirationInDays: 7
tokenExpirationInHours: 2
tokenRefreshExpirationInHours: 720
# show the version information at /versions
displayVersion: true
enabled: true
scoped: false
- domain: "nightly.example.com"
tlsSecretName: "example.com"
- domain: "nightly2.example.com"
tlsSecretName: "example.com"
Parameter | Default | Description |
namespaceOverride | uitsmijter | Namespace to install Uitsmijter to. |
image.repository | Docker repository for the Uitsmijter server image. | |
image.tag | Version-Tag to install. Must be present in the image.repository . |
image.pullPolicy | Always | The pull policy of the used image. |
imagePullSecrets.name | When using a private repository, the name of the dockerPullSecret. See 🔗 Pull an Image from a Private Registry | |
jwtSecret | Passphrase with that each JWT-token is signed. | |
redisPassword | Password for the 🔗 Redis database where all refresh tokens are stored. | |
storageClassName | Kubernetes 🔗 Storage Class to use to store the redis data. | |
installCRD | true | Install necessary 🔗 Custom Resource Definitions for Tenants and Clients . |
installSA | true | Install 🔗 Service Accounts to allow to read Tenants and Clients . |
config.logFormat | console | Log format options: console or ndjson . |
config.logLevel | info | Level of log verbosity. Options: trace , info , error or critical |
config.cookieExpirationInDays | 7 | Days a cookie is valid without refreshing its value. |
config.tokenExpirationInHours | 2 | Invalidates the JWT-Token after number of hours. |
config.tokenRefreshExpirationInHours | 720 | Invalidates the refresh token after number of hours. |
config.displayVersion | true | Displays the version information of Uitsmijter under /versions publicly for all. You can turn this off for security reasons. |
config.crd.enabled | true | Enables supoprt for loading Custom Resource Definitions of Tenants and Clients, should be true for Kubernetes installations. |
config.crd.scoped | false | Restrict Uitsmijter Custom Resource Definitions loader to load only tenants and clients from the namespace in which Uitsmijter itself is installed. |
domains.domain | List of Domains. Entry of the domain where Uitsmijter is listening on. | |
domains.tlsSecretName | List of Domains. Entry of the name of the certificate secret. |
helm install uitsmijter -f values.yaml uitsmijter/uitsmijter
Overwriting parameters from the command line is possible. For example install Uitsmijter in a feature branch, it is not
handy to provide extra Values.yaml
’s, but set the parameters at the shell directly.
Here is an example from our gitlab pipeline to install feature-branches in its own namespace:
- helm upgrade
--install uitsmijter ./Deployment/helm/uitsmijter
--set image.tag=${CONTAINER_IMAGE_TAG}
--set "domains[0].domain=${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}.example.com"
--set "domains[0].tlsSecretName=example.com"
--set "installCRD=false"
--set "config.logLevel=debug"
--namespace "uitsmijter-${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}"
You can overwrite every parameter from the parameter description.